Notice: Please note that due to seasonal holiday arrangement, only online service is available (no product shipment) during the period 3 December 2024 to 17 January 2025. For online service, please click 'appointment' button to access our online booking system. In-person service and product shipment will resume starting 18 January 2025 onwards. - HMU HARMONYU
Dimensional World Cosmology
The table below shows dimension levels of different categories including molecular, RNA, glands and wireless network. Physical world is 3-dimensional. WiFi, 5G, 6G are above 3 dimensions. Therefore, the impacts from WiFi, 5G, 6G are more than what we can imagine since they are above 3 dimensions (physical world) and cannot be directly seen from OUR physical eyes.
Our products are currently at least 640 dimensions to tackle the current issues at lower dimensions. Go to browse our products! (See our STORE)