Holistic Health Energy Screening
Body Mind Spirit Wellness (BMSW) Score
Our holistic energy sensor combines medical innovation, natural therapies and health AI to generate BMSW scores with details for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to indicate your holistic wellness status at presence and upcoming future.
Frequencies of organs, tissues and cell structures will be analysed in order to evaluate the energy status of your body, mind and spirit. The wellness score is helpful for health alert and monitoring for any preventive care.
The screening covers a list of items:
Get energy scores for 200+ body organs
Unbalanced Tissues
Hormones & Preparations (endocrine)
Mind & Soul:
Personality & Abilities
Family Affairs
Emotional Stress
Message for Mental Health
Soul Mission
​​​​​​​​​The advantages of this bio-information health screening are convenient, efficient, safe and accurate. This efficient 6 minute holistic wellness screening requires no physical touch and without radiation side-effect.
1) Consultation/Treatment/Workshop: Get your BMSW Score to understand holistic wellness status.
​2) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Customized Research Projects
We customize research on specific topics for your needs. To order tailored-made holistic wellness research service conducted by our team, please contact us at info@harmonyuhmu.com.